Saturday, January 30, 2010

Feng Shui consulting

“ Discover The Secrets That Billionaire Chinese Business Tycoons Know (That You Don't) About Attracting Money, Fortune, Success and Much More Using Simple, Ancient Feng Shui Techniques...! ”

I can show you step-by-step how you too can have more wealth, luck, happiness, career success, health, love, and much more to completely transform your life! . . . with the help of some quick, easy-to-do feng shui techniques!

After your rigorous apprenticeship efforts to gain proficiency in Feng Shui theory and practice, it?s now time to apply your skills for remunerative gain, or charitable works.

You will, no doubt, have specialized in one, or more facets of Feng Shui. Those specializations may have been divination using the I Ching to discover an auspicious time to commence a new project, or the likely consequences of an action; Chinese Ba Zi Astrology, or the Four Pillars Of Destiny to advise on life chances, to forecast future events, or establish the root causes of an illness, and the necessary remedies; the appropriate siting of a residence, or office depending on the personal Feng Shui configuration of the householder, and his family, or the joint configuration of the employer, and his or her staff; advice on interior d?cor, and color combinations to be utilized in a home, or office; reharmonizing ground that is prone to Sha Qi, negative or geopathic energy, and maximizing the flow of Qi; collaborating with a Chinese medical consortia, Feng Shui being the eighth part of the ?8 Rays of Traditional Chinese Medicine, the others being: acupuncture, herbal medicine, Wushu (Chinese martial arts), and Qigong (breathing exercises), food energetics, moxibustion, meditation, and astrology.

A word of caution however. Most people are still mystified, and locked in the mind-set of the Western paradigm of physical cause, and effect. They do not appreciate the existence of the other 6 universal dimensions, or the Chinese mode of thought, termed synchronicity by C.G.Jung. Most significantly, many are totally unaware that the electro-magnetic field of the earth is reflected in the geomorphic electro-magnetic matrix; the operational basis of Feng Shui. Accordingly, expect prejudice, requiring tolerance, and understanding to offset it.

One should also be aware that as a spiritual discipline, it is counter-productive to be mercenary as regards remuneration for your Feng Shui services. It is a subject that will need much consultation of the I Ching, and meditation to achieve the optimum balance between appropriate payment, and avarice. Also, be aware, any skills you have built up may be taken away from you if you are too materialistic.
Let?s examine a potential Feng Shui assignment. A client approaches you complaining that their house has been on the housing market for a year with no sign of a sale. You might diagnose it as a case of geopathic stress, the signs of which are: ant, and wasp nests; cats being attracted to the garden; poor sleep, illness, and constant tiredness; relationship breakdown; house stuck on the market for ages. Accordingly, your remedy might be to conduct a dowsing survey with two copper rods. Clearing lines of geopathic stress from a property is similar to performing acupuncture on the human body. The careful application of "earth acupuncture needles" will then enable you to banish or neutralize the negative aspects of the energy field.
If you are conscientious, your reputation will spread, and you will be assured of a fulfilling consultancy for the rest of your life.

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The History of Feng Shui

“ Discover The Secrets That Billionaire Chinese Business Tycoons Know (That You Don't) About Attracting Money, Fortune, Success and Much More Using Simple, Ancient Feng Shui Techniques...! ”

I can show you step-by-step how you too can have more wealth, luck, happiness, career success, health, love, and much more to completely transform your life! . . . with the help of some quick, easy-to-do feng shui techniques!

Feng Shui is an element of the Mysteries of China, but ultimately, it?s transcendent; its inspirational sources are the archetypes of the noumenal realm and its medium is the Tao ? the Way of Heaven: the principle of wholeness, and rhythmic balance through cyclic change. Feng Shui acts as the interface between the invisible noumenal realm ? ?Kan? (Heaven),, and the phenomenal realm ? ?Yu? (Earth). Previously, Feng Shui was called 'KanYu' ? ?between Heaven and Earth?.

In pre-dynastic times, the antecedent of Feng Shui was Xiangdi. This practice helped the Chinese determine the most appropriate site for settlement and the location of shrines, temples, and fertile lands.

The two most seminal elements of Feng Shui, however, are the ?River Chart?, and the ?Lo Writing?. The ?River Chart? (Ho T'u) was a diagram borne from the Yellow River on the back of a dragon-horse during the reign of the legendary Fu Hsi. Of whom it is said:
"He looked up and contemplated the forms exhibited in the sky (the constellations), and he looked down contemplating the processes taking place on the earth. He contemplated the patterns of the various habitats and places."

The ?Lo Writing? (Lo Shu) also emerging from a river - the Lo River, inscribed on the shell of a tortoise. Referred to as the ?Ba Gua? or ?magic square?, it?s an arrangement of numbers reflecting the cosmological order of the seasons, directions, and 8 trigrams.

Integral to this was the Five Element Theory, having its origins in the dynamics of yin, and yang, it depicts their evolution into five fundamental powers, agents, and phases of change: wood, fire, earth, metal, and water. The exposition of which was outlined in the Nei Ching, a medical compilation c. 400BC.

From the 11th century BC to 246 BC, divination, and astrology were practiced using oracle bones, and also for determining solar and lunar eclipses. Zhan Bu elucidated the mechanics of water movement, and that of underground streams.

From 475 to 221 BC, the I Ching began to exert a significant influence on Feng Shui. The Form (regulating the Qi), or Mountain Top School focused on landscapes, studying topographical features, soil quality, and watercourses. It located the the Feng Shui or power spots, and mapped the dragon pathways or energy lines of the Earth. Contemporaneously, Taoism and Confucianism, especially the concept of the ?superior man? (ch?n-tzu), began to profoundly influence Feng Shui, introducing the concept of decisive intervention in terrestrial events inspired by the archetypes of heaven.

The next phase of Feng Shui evolution was inspired by Guo Pu's the 'Book of Burial (276 -324), and Form School principles of siting became well established in Chinese literature.

Between 960 ? 1279 AD, Feng Shui bifurcated into two major schools -the Form and Compass Schools. The Compass School (Regulating the form of energy), used a form of Ba Gua compass to dowse the Feng Shui of the environment. During the Song Dynasty, the Book of Yin Yang Celestial Poles was written by a Feng Shui master, Wu Jin?Luan, who persuaded Yang Yun-Sung to establish one of the first formal schools of Feng Shui in Take Jingo Province.

These are the major elements in Feng Shui?s development.

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Feng Shui

“ Discover The Secrets That Billionaire Chinese Business Tycoons Know (That You Don't) About Attracting Money, Fortune, Success and Much More Using Simple, Ancient Feng Shui Techniques...! ”

I can show you step-by-step how you too can have more wealth, luck, happiness, career success, health, love, and much more to completely transform your life! . . . with the help of some quick, easy-to-do feng shui techniques!

Feng Shui is a Mandarin phrase meaning - Force of Wind, Flow of Water. As old as Chinese culture itself, the name originated around 6000 BC. Feng Shui is described in classical texts as ?Auspicious heavenly influence, beneficial topography, and harmonious human actions.? In essence, it?s a means of superimposing divine, archetypal order on the earth, and living in accordance with the Tao, or Way of Heaven. Ultimately, it aims at maximizing the positive environmental forces, or Qi, molding the landscape if necessary to enhance the flow thereof. Its other purpose is to divert, and neutralize the negative Sha Qi forces. Chinese alchemy, especially as outlined in the Secret of the Golden Flower, when applied to Feng Shui, aims to ultimately transcend the inter-death state by building the imperishable diamond body.

More mundanely, Feng Shui considers our residences to be a direct extension of ourselves. It provides the means of living in harmony with nature, and how to benefit from the positive energy, or Qi, in our living environment.

Many Feng Shui Schools have developed over the millennia, reflecting the multi-faceted nature of the discipline, however, most are a combination of the Form, and Compass Schools.

Feng Shui Schools

The Compass School based on the 8 trigrams of the I Ching, known as the Pa Kua, which, in turn, is based on the eight compass directions. Each direction being associated with a season, and a specific energy or ?element?, (more correctly, 5 stages of change).

The Form School, is based on the morphology of the landscape: topographical features, soil quality, and watercourses. The ?Regulating the Qi? school was concerned with finding the ?the Feng Shui spot?, and made detailed studies of the land, and watercourses, and concerned itself with locating the ?dragon pathways?, the ?Dimai? or arteries , and veins of the earth.

Eight Mansion/ House Feng Shui, is based upon an individual?s Kua number. Initially, the male householder?s Kua number is utilized to bring the house into harmonic balance. Each person has auspicious and inauspicious directions, discoverable from the birth-date. The auspicious directions relate to success, health, romance, and development, while the inauspicious directions relate to bad luck, obstacles, illness, and destruction.

Nine Star Key uses the stars to establish lucky, and unlucky days. Astrology dictates when, and whom to marry. Each year, the Nine Star Key reveals what astrological house holds sway, and how best to live in accordance with its principles.

Black Hat Sect, relies on the Ba Gua diagram, which is an orientation device. It allows one to pinpoint the 9 areas of the home: prosperity, fame, relationships, family, health, children, knowledge, career, and patrons.

Flying Star is based on a combination of numerology, and astrology. It allows one to avoid continuing sickness, arguments, bankruptcy, legal problems, loss of wealth, relationship problems, health problems, and accidents.

Four Pillars, based on Chinese astrology, delineates the individual relationship with the zodiacal animals relating to the year, month, day, and hour.

There is much interchange of concept, and methodology between each of these schools. The best way is to experiment personally to find the most temperamentally suitable.

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Feng Shui Mistakes To Avoid In The Bedroom!

“ Discover The Secrets That Billionaire Chinese Business Tycoons Know (That You Don't) About Attracting Money, Fortune, Success and Much More Using Simple, Ancient Feng Shui Techniques...! ”

I can show you step-by-step how you too can have more wealth, luck, happiness, career success, health, love, and much more to completely transform your life! . . . with the help of some quick, easy-to-do feng shui techniques!

While considering each individual's best sleeping direction and avoiding his or her "Lonely Pillow" direction. (Both are determined by your year of birth in relation to your gender.) There are several environmental factors to consider when choosing the position of your bed, such as:

Large MIRRORS - aren't recommended in the bedroom, because they aren't conducive to a restful nights sleep. Mirrors reflect light... light is Yang Qi, which is active energy. By reflecting light mirrors stir-up the Qi in the bedroom, where you want the Qi to be more Yin / still and restful. Besides, mirrors could reflect your bedroom activities to the neighbor. This wouldn't create a feeling of security and safety in the bedroom. Plus, if the mirror is in your "Lonely Pillow" direction, it will cause you to be single.

Headboard against a wall! The wall provides stillness of energy to provide a restful nights sleep. You want the Qi to be still at top of your head. If you angle your bed in a corner, there will be too much movement in the Qi at the top of your head for you to have a good night?s sleep. When there is a window above or behind the head-of-the-bed, be sure the window is closed when you are in bed, because a closed window stops the movement of Qi. After all Qi moves with Wind & Water.

Clear view of the bedroom entrance... without being in-line with door. If you're in-line with an OPEN doorway, you'll be hit directly by the Qi coming through the OPEN doorway. I emphasize OPEN, because the majority of Feng Shui books fail to mention that a door must be OPEN for the Qi to move through it. After all doors, like windows, stop the movement of Wind & Water. So if you have no choice but to sleep in-line with the door... CLOSE the door, or at least keep it ajar to direct the Qi away from the bed.

Bathrooms mustn't be seen from the bed. With bathrooms it is a sanitation issue. Keeping the door closed or at least ajar is the simplest solution. Moving the bed would be another solution.

Sharp corners , caused by oddly shaped rooms, pointed directly at the bed or bedroom door are considered an 'Angle or Metal Sha'. These cause instability and insecurity to the relationship as well as health problems. Some remedies for this type of sha (negative affect) are rounding the sharp edge off the corner, concealing it with molding, or positioning the bed in another location.

Avoid large exposed beams above the bed , which cause various problems depending on their position. Move beds and other occupied furniture out from under exposed beams. If it is impossible to move the bed, conceal them with an actual flat ceiling or use thick multi-colored tapestry-type fabric by stapling the cloth as if it were an actual ceiling over the bed.

* When the beam is chopping across the body, health problems in that area of the body will develop. Once again we are dealing with the harshness of a direct hit of Qi, which is being directed downwards off the sides of the beam.

* Beam dividing bed between two pillows , from head to toe, the harmony of the union is in jeopardy. The Qi coming down from the sides of the beam could cause separation or divorce.

A bed positioned between two of the unseen energy patterns. To find these unseen energy areas, divide the width and depth of your entire home by three creating a tic-tac-toe type grid. If your body is divided you will have health problems in the region where the two energy patterns bisect your body. When a bed is divided from head-to-toe between the two pillows by an unseen energy grid line, the occupants are sleeping in two different energy combinations... which cause relationship problems. A couple described it best when they said "it's like we're sleeping in the same bed in different rooms." The solution is to move the entire bed into one section of the house grid. Hopefully, the section with the best energy combination.

P.K. Odle?s easy to follow Classical Feng Shui guidance shows you how to improve your Finances, Health & Relationships. Get more tips/articles in her FREE email newsletter, The Feng Shui Advantage MONTHLY! at

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Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Feng Shui Design - How Does It Help You Enhance Chi In Your Home?

“ Discover The Secrets That Billionaire Chinese Business Tycoons Know (That You Don't) About Attracting Money, Fortune, Success and Much More Using Simple, Ancient Feng Shui Techniques...! ”

I can show you step-by-step how you too can have more wealth, luck, happiness, career success, health, love, and much more to completely transform your life! . . . with the help of some quick, easy-to-do feng shui techniques!

Feng Shui design helps you to take beneficial and effective actions in your home or living space so that your house can have an optimal flow of Chi.

The Feng Shui design ideas discussed in this article can help Feng Shui beginners to understand some of the fundamental principles of Feng Shui as well as how they can apply for the principles and enhancing their homes and lives.

Like the positive and negative energies (yin and yang) existing in nature, every room and every home has both positive and negative areas. There are strengths that already exist, just as there are weaknesses. The Feng Shui design changes that are carried out in a house are always meant to help enhance the weak areas and decrease Chi that is too strong, ultimately yielding a balanced, harmonious feeling that is the cornerstone of a contented and successful life

Feng Shui Design And Power Areas

A concept commonly used in a Feng Shui design is the idea of 'power' areas. Feng Shui recognizes nine power areas inside buildings--some have excellent supportive energy, some are much less favorable.

A power spot is an area of the home which can be as big as a room or as small as a tiny little nook, but this particular area has strong associations with your life (or parts of your life) that mean a great deal to you at a particular point in a given time frame. Feng Shui power spots are unique to each person, family and home. They are determined not only by the things that are going on in a person's life presently but also by the design and architecture of their particular living space.

According to Feng Shui, power spots are unique to each person, family and home and some of these are determined not only by the things that are going on in your life right now but also by the design and architecture of your particular living space.

Wang's aim has been to create a total system for anyone interested in Feng Shui--not just the physical aspect of it, but also the promise of universal harmony, of spiritual contentment. website is more than a mere website on Feng Shui. It is a platform for people with similar or contrary views to come and share their thoughts, discuss, debate, as

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Securing The Safety of Your Home With The Ancient Art of Feng Shui

“ Discover The Secrets That Billionaire Chinese Business Tycoons Know (That You Don't) About Attracting Money, Fortune, Success and Much More Using Simple, Ancient Feng Shui Techniques...! ”

I can show you step-by-step how you too can have more wealth, luck, happiness, career success, health, love, and much more to completely transform your life! . . . with the help of some quick, easy-to-do feng shui techniques!

I was elated to discover this detached house with a big garden that was available for rental in a quiet suburb when I was first transferred to another town to work as an engineer.

It was located at a cul de sac, the house being the last house in the row. I thought it was perfect..quiet, newly constructed and with a good neighbor who was a banker.

Without reservation, I rented the house and my family shifted in a week later.

3 months later, I almost lost my life. I was travelling as a passenger in a friend's car when someone lost control of his car, and crashed into the Honda car I was travelling in, killing the front seating passenger. I was at the back and had a smashed face, and was warded in the hospital and had to stay another month for medical treatment.

But how is this related to the house I was staying in then?

In fact, I was never a fan of feng shui, the ancient chinese art of geomancy.

When I was warded in the hospital, my neighbor who was a banker and also a chinese scholar, visited me and began to spill the beans.

The house where I was staying was facing bad "chi" or an aura of bad atmosphere was emancing from the house that was facing directly opposite my house. The occupant of that house was a monk who works as a "chanter" who performs the chanting ceremony over the dead. This is a chinese practise for those who have died, the chanting being akin to prayer to make the way easier for the dead spirits to depart.

According to my neigbor, every day when this monk returns home, he brings along the bad "chi" from the dead, and which then emants out towards the direction of my house.

A shiver went down my spine when I heard this news.

In my imagination, I could almost see evil spirits following this monk and congregating at his home before fanning out in the direction of my house.

But what about my neighbor? How did he protect himself against this bad influence of "chi'?

"I hang out a mirror," this chinese scholar said. This mirror when hung outside reflects and deflects the bad chi and mystically protects the inhibitants from ill effects and ward off evil. This is the ancient art of feng shui at work", he added.

Three months after the accident I recovered to leave the hospital, I was not ready to remain a day longer in that rented house. I did not hang out a mirror. I had enough and the solution was to just shifted house. We moved out!

I met my banker neighbor friend 5 years down the road. I asked how he was. " I have never been better," he replied, " and my mirror has always done its job".

Yes, we can protect our house, ourselves and belongings with the most sophisticated security alarm systems. But apart from this, where we choose to believe in the anciet art of feng shui, we need a simple mirror to be hung outside our house to ward off bad "chi" and evil.Are you a believer of the ancient chinese art of feng shui?

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5 Fengshui Ways to increase Curb Appeal

“ Discover The Secrets That Billionaire Chinese Business Tycoons Know (That You Don't) About Attracting Money, Fortune, Success and Much More Using Simple, Ancient Feng Shui Techniques...! ”

I can show you step-by-step how you too can have more wealth, luck, happiness, career success, health, love, and much more to completely transform your life! . . . with the help of some quick, easy-to-do feng shui techniques!

Curb Appeal makes you stop the car. And, take a look at the house. On the path to the house, the buyer already knows if they want to buy the house in 30 seconds or less. Fengshui creates a positive energy, and welcome feel to your home. Ming Tong in Fengshui means bright place and refers to curb. The curb must be inviting and promoting to stay longer.

Stimulate emotions with colors

Colors play an important factor in our emotions and senses. The warm colors (reds, yellow, and orange) build fun, and excitement, while the cool colors stimulate peace, calm, and relaxation. To warm up the curb, you can add colorful flowers in the garden, varnish any wood around the house, and paint doors and window with red accent. Too cool up the curb, you can add more grass, shrubs, and trees.

Glossy means healthy

Look at the trees, plants, shrubs, and flowers if they have panoramic colors. You can tell the health by the shine, and color. Trimming the dead plants, leaves, and flowers, you promote the healthy lifestyle.

Fast Energy

A direct path to the doorway creates fast energy. On the other hand, the meandering path slows and relaxes any potential buyer. A water fountains, fish ponds, pathway lights, special step stones, and beautiful flower slow down the energy and builds interest. The buyer can stop, and admire for a while.

Obstacles and Clutter

Obstacles and Clutters decrease the welcome feel of the home. You may consider organizing the porch, cleaning the path, moving the garbage bin, and trimming the plants.

Feed the senses

Appeal to the senses by adding sound and fragrance. With healthy garden, wildlife comes to appreciate your garden. The birds serenade the buyer and guest. And, the flowers sends heavenly aroma.

Dennis Estrada is a webmaster of mortgage calculators which provide resources, and calculators for mortgage and real estate.

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Saturday, January 9, 2010

4 Fengshui Ways for an Unforgettable Door Appeal

“ Discover The Secrets That Billionaire Chinese Business Tycoons Know (That You Don't) About Attracting Money, Fortune, Success and Much More Using Simple, Ancient Feng Shui Techniques...! ”

I can show you step-by-step how you too can have more wealth, luck, happiness, career success, health, love, and much more to completely transform your life! . . . with the help of some quick, easy-to-do feng shui techniques!

Sell homes with Fengshui door appeal. Or, you could be missing potential sales and profit. The front door is the mouth of the chi. A handsome door brings good health, wealth, and longevity. Although houses come with many door, there is just one door which is use more often. Fengshui encourages the use of the front or main door. Passing the front door, you are leaving the outside world. Once you are inside, you can see the true color or personality of the home owner.

Positive Energy Flow

Without any clutter in front or back of the door, the positive flow can easily go inside. You may also check for obstruction on the door path. Door should smoothly open and close.

Make the Guardian happy

The guests must be able to clearly distinguish the front door. With a properly placed light, the front door tells the direction to go. Think of light as a guardian. And, remember to replace used up light bulbs. Or, it will ruin the positive energy. Consequently, it may lead to financial loss and illness.

Color Personality

The color of the door tells something about the home owner. A red door symbolizes fame and fortune. Although Fengshui recommends a red door, many doors come in a variety of colors. Yellow says friendly and cheerful home owner. And, blue says introvert and quiet home owner. Lastly, the green is simply the color of life.

Size Matters

The size of the door must conform to the size of the house. An extra large door leads to financial difficulty, while an extra small door leads to petty arguments. Additionally, the doorframes are the poles that support the family. A sturdy and straight poles increase the potential fortune.

Dennis Estrada is a webmaster of mortgage calculators which provide resources, and calculators for mortgage and real estate.

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Feng Shui Bathroom Wealth

“ Discover The Secrets That Billionaire Chinese Business Tycoons Know (That You Don't) About Attracting Money, Fortune, Success and Much More Using Simple, Ancient Feng Shui Techniques...! ”

I can show you step-by-step how you too can have more wealth, luck, happiness, career success, health, love, and much more to completely transform your life! . . . with the help of some quick, easy-to-do feng shui techniques!

Feng Shui has tried, true, and time tested wealth strategies that integrate theories based on Feng Shui Elements. Feng Shui colors and tools such as the Feng Shui Baguato provide followers the secret keys to lasting prosperity. If you did a Feng Shui Study, you would be fascinated by the relationship Feng Shui establishes between the bathroom and wealth. Read on and you will not only help you discover new ways to improve prosperity but will also provide to deepen your understanding of this popular practice which has strong spiritual and scientific basis

Even if you're a Feng Shui beginner, you're probably familiar with Feng Shui bagua (Feng Shui map of a space), and know that family area is a good place for the living room, or that a Feng Shui office is best placed in the knowledge, wealth or career sectors. You may also know that Feng Shui bed room is best placed in the marriage corner of the Feng Shui house. But do you know where the Feng Shui bathroom should be located if you're seeking wealth? Probably not but that's o.k. This article on Feng Shui bathroom wealth was written specifically to highlight the importance of a 'Feng Shui bathroom ' -- how it can increase or decrease wealth in your home.

As most of the Feng Shui practices have strong scientific basis, there are two important rules of thumb that you need to remember when deciding the location of a bathroom. First you need to know that, the bathroom and toilet are primarily governed by and driven by the element Water. In Feng Shui, Water is associated with wealth, prosperity, career and good cash flow. Secondly, you should keep in mind that bathrooms are associated with elimination and waste. With these two considerations in mind, it is easier to understand the main rules that apply to the layout and location of this space.

Without a clearly marked out space in Feng Shui bagua, the bathroom is a little out of place anywhere, but thanks to the time tested Feng Shui wisdom, you can easily identify problems with your bathroom (cash flow blockages, drained finances, etc.) that are detrimental to your wealth (it can block your cash flow, drain your finances, and add to your financial stress). Although some of locations are more troublesome than others, one of the best Feng Shui tips to keep in mind here is that a defective bathroom plumbing has a draining effect wherever it is located.

According to traditional Feng Shui some bathroom locations which can have negative effect on your wealth. These locations include:

Bathrooms next to or above the front door. Bathrooms on the second floor directly above the kitchen or front door Bathrooms in the center of the office Bathrooms under the stairs

It may seem restrictive but the reasons are sound when you reason using Feng Shui principles. For instance a bathroom in the front hall, close to the door, or a bathroom at the end of straight hall way can drain Chi away before it has a chance to circulate through the rest of the house.

Wang's aim has been to create a total system for anyone interested in Feng Shui--not just the physical aspect of it, but also the promise of universal harmony, of spiritual contentment. website is more than a mere website on Feng Shui. Wang has major emphasis on wealth and prosperity through feng shui by placing it at right position in office, bathroom etc.

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