Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Enhancing Your Career With Feng Shui - Finding A Job You Will LOVE

“ Discover The Secrets That Billionaire Chinese Business Tycoons Know (That You Don't) About Attracting Money, Fortune, Success and Much More Using Simple, Ancient Feng Shui Techniques...! ”

I can show you step-by-step how you too can have more wealth, luck, happiness, career success, health, love, and much more to completely transform your life! . . . with the help of some quick, easy-to-do feng shui techniques!

If you're seeking a new career or would simply like to move up in the one you have, did you know there are simple, inexpensive things you can do to attract it right into your life? According to the Principles of Feng Shui, we work primarily with Intention, Energy and The Laws of Attraction. Knowing this is important as there is a misconception that Feng Shui changes or adjustments need to be costly. Then don't.

A simple method of moving up in your career or changing one altogether is this:

From the inside, the Front Door represents our career area according to the Bagua. One simple thing you can do is place a business card over your front door that states where you are now or what your present title is. If you don't have a business card, simply make one out of construction paper that clearly states your name, the business you currently work for and your title.

Now think about what you'd aspire to do; the sky is the limit so dream on! There may be more then one thing you'd like to do or maybe you can't decide. If you'd like to stay in the same place but move up in position, carefully write out another business card with your name and your new title. Infuse it with your energy as you write. This will go over the first card you have created as this is what you aspire to.

Let's say you'd like to change careers completely. Is there a company or certain place you'd like to work or perhaps be your own boss in a business you've always dreamed of? Then this is what you would write on the second card instead. Make sure it has your name and the name of your new company. And remember to put your energy into everything you do.

Feel free to make as many cards as you like, we don't put restrictions on anything to do with Feng Shui. And think about this for your significant other if they are living with you. It has been shown that when you love what you do, failure is almost unheard of. Did you ever wonder why that is? Have you seen the incredible amounts of energy in certain people when they are speaking of something they are passionate about, be it a partner or their job?

When you truly love what you do, you become engrossed with it; it gives you the energy to create more. It gives you ideas, aspirations to achieve even more and success starts to flow. You've probably seen this with every very prominent person you can think of. And it can happen for you as well.

Finally, career incorporates the color black. Take another piece of construction paper and make a frame around your cards. Tape them inside the front door, on the top over the molding. You will see them every morning before stepping out the door to start your new day and won't forget what you are aspiring to achieve. And allow the thoughts and ideas to come on how to create that. Don't forget to act on those thoughts as you get them to bring back exactly what you are seeking to attain.

When the real business cards have come in due to your promotion or the start of your new business, replace the ones you have made. And know that YOU made it happen!

*Carole Provenzale has been a Certified Feng Shui Practitioner since 1997 and is the Founder of Feng Shui Long Island. Please visit her website at for further

Feng Shui Expert Carole Provenzale has been a Certified Feng Shui Consultant since 1997 and is the founder of Feng Shui Long Island which provides personalized and affordable consultations for all of Long Island, New York City, Queens and Online for those at a distance. For Homes, Businesses, Offices, Corporations, Renovations and New Construction. Carole is also a keynote speaker for major corporations such as Fox 5, Nordstrom's, NYS Dept. of Parks and Recreation and The Long Island Board of Realtors. For further information, please visit or email her at

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